Monday, September 25, 2006

Daly's just "keepin' it real"

Alan writes:

"I nearly got my ass kicked for taking this picture today outside of my place on Leavenworth. This is the view that a $1100 apartment gets you in district six. I see this guy out here almost every day. Sad and all but he choses to get drunk and sleep on the sidewalk. He has a home or at least I see him go into a building a couple blocks away but for some reason he sleeps it off on the street. I thought about putting a Daly campaign sign on him as an advertizement for his relection but the two guys leaning against the wall 10' away didn't like me taking pics around them. Wonder why. Hey Chris, you're a failure!"

Daly cares about kids

"Miss S." writes:

"I'd like to ask Chris Daly if he thinks it's fine for people to be smoking crack around kids. I work at the Tenderloin Children's Playground on Ellis Street, and I see people on the sidewalk right outside buying and selling and smoking crack every day. This afternoon I saw this fellow, camped out in the doorway directly across the street from the playground, lighting up. I wish I could've snapped the picture just a second earlier, because a police car was driving by. I can't believe we live and work in a neighborhood where children are expected to see this kind of behavior, even in their safe-zones. Does he care about this? I'd like to know."

Thursday, September 21, 2006

a record of neglect

Robert writes --

"This sad old building at Post and Hyde has been empty and boarded up for at least 9 years now, and very likely longer. It's been squatted, vandalized and generally abused. It gets tagged and flyered, then eventually someone slaps a little paint over that, and it immediately gets tagged and flyered again. Why should such a thing be allowed? You can bet it wouldn't be allowed in Pacific Heights.

The city has the authority to require property owners to maintain their property, but apparently Chris Daly simply doesn't have the political will to deal with eyesores like this that bring our neighborhood down."

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Street life, Daly style

Maya writes:

"Hello -
Thanks for putting up your blog! I'm really sick of the stuff that goes on in our neighborhood too, and I've never been able to even get ahold of Chris Daly to ask what he can do to improve things. Some of my friends support him (and I have to confess that I voted for him the first time) but after they visit my studio a few times, they start to share my opinion about the way that our neighborhood has been neglected by City Hall. It's like a third-world country here! And it's so unfair, because of how nice many of the buildings and restaurants there are, and how great the location is.

I wanted to show you something that I see almost every day. (Sorry, my phone doesn't take the best pics.) It's this guy in a wheelchair who scoots around between the cars at the intersection of Larkin and Geary almost every day, panhandling from the cars as they drive by. I see Police cars go by all the time, but I've never seen them pull over and tell him to get out of the street. I can't believe he's never been hit (who knows, maybe he has!) but cars honk and every time I hear tires squealing, I think I'm going to hear a crash of them hitting him. Surely there's got to be some city agency that could deal with this, or some group that Daly is involved with that should be involved. It's just so symptomatic of our neighborhood, that everyone turns a blind eye to the problems. Anyway, thanks and good luck. - Maya"

Thanks, Maya!

Daly coddles druggies

James writes:

"Hi Tender-Nob, I live on Hyde st. Every single day, 24/7, theres a group of crack dealers that do their business on the sidewalk across the street from my apartment. People come by, hand the guy a few bills, he pops something out of his mouth and the buyer pops it into his, and goes on his way. Theyre back a couple of hours later for more.

In all the time Ive lived here, Ive only seen 2 police busts, and Ive never, ever, seen police actually walking down the sidewalk. Its like theyve just given up on our street, and turned it over to the pushers and crackheads. I know Chris Daly doesnt run the police department, but he could provide some leadership or put pressure on the chief of police and the DA. Do you think he has? Hah! I really hope we can get rid of him and get someone as a supervisor who cares about the trash we have to deal with everyday. Thanks."

Monday, September 18, 2006

Thanks for checking out the new blog! I started The Daly Show because I was fed up with Chris Daly's refusal to address the problems facing District 6. I've lived in the "Tender-Nob" (upper Tenderloin) for the past 9 years, and have seen the neighborhood change for the better -- for a while, anyway -- and then get worse and worse after Chris Daly was elected.

A few years ago, I got fed up with people defecating and urinating in front of the apartment building where I live, lying passed-out on the sidewalk, selling and smoking crack 24/7 right in front of my home, and a slew of other unpleasant things. I went in to City Hall to try to arrange a meeting with Chris Daly to ask for help cleaning up the neighborhood. But his assistant told me "Chris doesn't deal with those 'quality of life' issues". Excuse me?

What kind of an elected representative of a fairly small geographic area refuses to deal with the very things that matter most to their constituents? Apparently, Chris Daly, that's who. For the past 6 years he's been paid $120,000 a year -- out of the taxpayers' pockets -- to go to bat for the people who live in District 6. But in fact, he really doesn't care about us. He's got his pet issues, and those are all that matter to him.

And so, this blog. Every day, I'm going to post pictures of things around my neighborhood that shouldn't exist -- that WOULDN'T exist, if Chris Daly were doing his job. And I invite you to post your pictures too. That guy who's passed out and is blocking the sidewalk? Take a picture. The graffiti that keeps appearing on the nice old brick building next-door? Take a picture. The crack dealer that parades up and down your sidewalk? Take a picture, and send it in.

My theory is that, if enough of us remind Chris Daly what District 6 actually LOOKS LIKE, he will be forced to do his job as a public servant, or will be replaced with someone else who will. So please contribute to The Daly Show, and show Chris Daly how he's failed us all.

Thanks --

Mr. Tender-Nob

Oh -- and here's my first picture. It's an entryway that I walk past quite often. Charming, isn't it?